The Mexican Ranch

The Mexican Ranch

So here I find myself, in the middle of the Mexican jungle, in a small village where no tourists go. I spent 4 days there, for me it was like a trip back in time, there they don’t have a shower as we know, it’s just a bucket in which you take water to shower yourself. The bathroom is not even in, it is outside, located just in the back of the house and also if you want to flush the toilet, you need to take a small bucket for put water in. It’s by seeing those things that we realize that our life is easy. There the children still have fun playing in the trees and running around. There aren’t any networks there, so it’s impossible for them to get on their tablet and forget about the real world. In my opinion, it’s beautiful to the young boys still playing with each other and learning with nature.

It’s a place where our phones don’t get any signals, the only phone that works is the one in the house, with wires, like when we were little. When we wanted to have access to the outside world, my boyfriend take me on their moto to go to the village, there is a small house that gives us access to wifi for 10 pesos. In front of this house, is a mini supermarket where we can go and buy some snacks for the time we are there.

When it’s time to eat, my beautiful mother-in-law cooks food on a small fire, where she can put a plate to cook the food and warm up the tortillas. They also have a little electric cooker of two side which helps a lot.In this ranch they kill their animals to eat, there are chickens walking all around, sometimes we see one passing by the house when we are sitting in a hammock talking to each other.On the third day, in the morning, when I was sleeping, my boyfriend came to me to tell me that he was going with the men to catch a cow, they wanted to kill her to celebrate their sister’s birthday. They came back after 3 hours with the poor cow, the legs tied so she couldn’t move. For me who loves animals a lot, it was simply unnecessary experience to live, when it came time to kill her, I went to the other house in the side and I cried in boyfriend’s arms when I heard the poor animal die. I couldn’t handle it. That evening was my sister-in-law’s birthday. She dressed up for the occasion and people from the village were invited to eat, unfortunately I pass my turn.

That same evening, we went to buy beer in an another small house two, tree streets away. And we witnessed something unexpected. Two Mexicans drunk started to fight. A few seconds later one of them became crazy and exploded his big bottle on the other’s head. After things got worse, the one who got hit came straight at us, at the house of the lady selling the beer, and the other went to get a gun in the trunk of his car. So we left the faster possible. On our way, we saw two women on a moto with a little girl, so I told them not to go there, it was dangerous. She didn’t listen, one of them said to the ‘other ‘‘ no vamos vamos ’’ I was afraid for the little girl. 

When we were walking back to the ranch, we meet my boyfriend’s grandparents, we told them what was going on, to not stay there and went straight home. I also told them that I was very happy to have the chance to meet them. At this point, the same guy who have been hit walks by again and comes back with a machete. So we take back our way to find the tranquility on the ranch.

When we came back it was like nothing was happening, the celebration continued. We drank beer, talked, take some pictures and it was time to eat the cake. At this moment, one by one past front of my camera to take a picture with the birthday girl, when surprisingly someone smash her face on the cake.That was a funny moment, for everyone, mostly for her sister who came site in her side for a picture with her little dog who decide to lick the face full of cake.

This day has been filled with unexpected things. When it came time to sleep, I was extremely tired. So I go in the house where my mother-in-low had made my bed, and put a net around it, which ‘‘pabellón’’ in Spanish and is used to protect you from insects at night, with this they cannot come on you. I really like beautiful attention. It made me feel good and I felt like sleeping in peace.

I hope you have enjoy to read about my adventure, other are coming soon.

Sophie xx

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